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About Our Charity

We are humanity/ non-profit/ fundraising/ NGO organizations. Our humanity activities are taken place around the world,let
contribute to them with us by your hand to be a better life.

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Who We Are

Desires to obtain pain of itself, because pain because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us every undertakes laborious physical exercise, except obtain from it any right to find fault with a man who chooses.

Our Mission

Know your donation is making a difference whether you supporting one of our signature programs ours any right to find.

  • This mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure
  • Master-builder of human happiness
  • Occasionally circumstances occur in toil
More About Us
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Urgent Cause

Save The Hana Adalmira From Hyperhidrosis

Being diagnosed with hyperhidrosis is not the end of the road nor is the treatment
used to fight the deadly disease, We will help to her.
Need: $85000
Collected Till Now: $37000

Our Journey So Far

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Upcoming events

Our charity activities are taken place around the world, let contribute to
them with us by your hand to be a better life.
All Events
Started On 12:00 am

Walk to the poor children education

New Grand Street, California
Started On 12:00 am

Walk to the poor children education

New Grand Street, California
Started On 12:00 am

Walk to the poor children education

New Grand Street, California

Energetic performance by zumba dancers.

  • 14th Dec, 09.30am
  • 212, Station Road, NY 10067
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